Monday, June 29, 2015

World Problems - 6/29/2015

Drinking beer and alcohol is bad for you because you can get drunk. Also when you’re drunk you lose brain cells. Also some people get addict from drinking. Then some people drink when there 18. Some people drink alcohol when there not 21 so that’s what I think.


A problem in the world is pollution trucks, and cars should place that smoke and gas with bubble liquid so that the air won’t be black and if bubbles don’t come out of their car they have to pay a $50 fine for making the air a little polluted. If the other factory’s and anything that doesn’t use bubbles pay a fine of $100.


What problem we have in the world is littering. Because in some places there is trash everywhere and someplace don’t. But the real problem is that people don’t really care about littering. And how can we have a solution? We can have a solution ever year people and kids can join by picking up trash.
And who ever picks up trash on earth day could win $100. That’s how we can have a solution. And maybe you can became a hero in the world!  
-Andrea L.


I chose littering because when I’m on the high ways, on the side of the road I see tires and cardboard. I mean I get if your car breaks down and and you have flat tire and no where to put it that’s a different story but, a carton of milk doesn’t belong there, road kill does not belong there either. I would solve it by starting a organization to go to the streets and pick up trash FOR FREE!!!!
-Ciani J.

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